Røntgenpulverdiffraktion - 90 år med Debye-Scherrer-metoden



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منابع مشابه

An image plate chamber for x-ray diffraction experiments in Debye–Scherrer geometry

A new design for implementation of x-ray diffraction experiments is proposed. The exploitation of the imaging plate technique opens new possibilities to carry out diffraction experiments. The detector chamber in Debye–Scherrer geometry equipped with an image plate takes advantage of this technology such as high resolution, high sensitivity, linearity in intensity, and linearity over the detecto...

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Evaluation of the efficiency and quality in structured crime reports

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Influence of Image Processing Conditions of Debye Scherrer Ring Images in X-ray Stress Measurement Using an Imaging Plate

ABSTXACT This paper describes the study of the possibility of x-ray stress measurement in which stresses are obtained by analyzing the whole of one diffraction ring detected with a two-dimensional x-ray detector called an imaging plate (IP). The theory of the stress determination proposed by Taira et al (1978) was shown and advanced to make measurable all plane stress components. The experiment...

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Serum-albumin and risk of thyroid cancer: A population-based, matched case-control study

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Surface Effects in Debye Screening*

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عنوان ژورنال: GeologiskNyt

سال: 2006

ISSN: 1904-8203,0906-6861

DOI: 10.7146/gn.v0i5.3574